A hint of holiday.

Happy Thursday, friends!

It’s official- I’m in full blown Christmas mode. My decorations are up and I have at least four cookie recipes my taste buds are nagging for me to try.

Here are some pictures of my fancy smanshy decorating skills..

xmas dec 4

xmas dec 3

xmas dec 2

xmas dec

xmas dec 5

xmas dec 6

xmas dec 8

xmas dec 7

Like how I even added a hint of holiday to the guest bathroom?

Do you decorate every room in your house?

Real tree or fake?


The best workouts to get you through the holidays.

Hello Wednesday!

I hope you guys have been having a great week!

We picked out our tree last night!


It took about 2 seconds  because it was freezing and Joseph was tired. I am going to try and decorate it today, so we will see how it turns out!

I know we talked about how important it is to stay active during the holidays, so I wanted to share with you guys some of my favorite workouts that help me with this! These can be done anywhere with little or no equipment. You can control how long they are by choosing how many rounds you will do.

holiday workouts

*Just click on the workout name to see the exercises!

holiday dress arms and back

no running cardio

brutal boot camp workout

sexy Santa full body workout

sweaty vacay workout

beginner hiit

peanut butter boots

Lucky number seven.

I hope you guys enjoy these because they have definitely kept things interesting for me, and I’ve done most of them at my house while Joseph was sleeping.

Want more? Go check out My Workouts page!

Sketchy McSketcherson

Hey guys,

I hope you all have been enjoying the holiday season.  I am sorry I have been Sketchy McSketcherson lately.. With all the extra holiday activities, working more, and traveling, I have been really bad about hanging out with you guys! Don’t take it personal, I tend to let my real life friendships fall to the wayside when I get busy or stressed, and it’s something I definitely need to work on!

Also, I am in the process of moving my blog over to a self- hosted site, so that has taken up a lot of my time.

Quick run-down of what I’ve been up to lately..

Christmas decorating:

We don’t have our tree up, so I haven’t taken any pictures yet, but here are some things that I successfully re-created from Pintrest!


All of these were so easy, and I created a couple of my own. Can’t wait to share them with you guys!


bootcamp collage

Holiday fun:

xroads collage

xroads collage 2

And hanging out with this guy:

joe baby collage

I want to share with you guys one of the playlists I have been using for boot camp.

It is a fun, CLEAN one.. I actually had a hard time finding songs with no profanity in them, but alas, I succeeded.

boot camp playlist

Have a great day, lovelies.

Dumb blonde mug shot.

Happy Friday!

So, before I get into some Friday favorites, I have to share an embarrassing, but funny story with you guys.

Okay, it’s been a crazy week, and Tuesday I was rushing out the door to get Joseph to school, I had to run some errands after, then I was going to get my hair done. I grabbed my dry shampoo and some makeup and was good to go.  I was spraying the dry shampoo in my hair at a stop light and I noticed that it made my hair a weird texture and greasy. I just assumed I put too much in and went along with my day.

Yesterday I went to use the dry shampoo that was still in my car and realized it was self- tanner!! OMG, right?! I. Am. An. Idiot. What makes it so bad is I sprayed that crap in my hair then went and got it highlighted!

Dumb blonde mug shot..

dumb blonde mug

My hair dresser said it could have affected the color, but if I don’t see a difference then I should be good. What do you guys think? Orange? Blonde? Dumb?

If this is what I am like with one child, there is no way I would be able to survive with two..

So that was the funnies, now for my favorites!

I’m linking up with Heather from Housewife Glamour for her fun Friday Favorites partay!


Dunkin Donuts Mocha Peppermint Coffee

dunkin do

If you try one seasonal coffee this year, let it be this. It’s delicious!

Christmas decor inspiration

dec collage

I narrowed down my pinterest finds to just a few decorations I think will be feasible for me to re- create. We shall see..



I have been loving longer cardio sessions lately. I haven’t done them in a long time, but with boot camp twice a week, I’m working my whole body at a very intense level, so I need something more relaxed the day in between. 45 minutes steady- state cardio workouts have been perfect.

Cousin love. 

cousin love

My heart melted when I saw this picture because it was so adorable! They said Joseph was hugging all night.

J. Law

j law


I don’t know why, but this seriously cracked me up.

Have a great Friday, and remember, don’t worry about the bitches.

I want your bod, hot bod.

Hey guys,

I hope your week started off with a bang! It’s the first week in December and the craziness is upon us.

I have seen list after list of ways to stay active and keep up a healthy routine during the holiday season, and I have loved reading everyone’s tips and tricks. I wanted to share some of my own with those of you who enjoy these lists as much as me!

When I named this list I thought of those hot bod commercials with the dudes running shirtless up a bunch of stairs. You know the ones, “I want your bod, hot bod.”  My cousin and I used to laugh hysterically every time one came on.

hot bod

  1. Take care of yourself- It’s the most wonderful time of the year for sure, but it can also be the most hectic.  We are so busy shopping, baking and taking care of family and friends that sometimes we forget about ourselves, but you can’t do it all if you are stuck in bed. It’s so important to take care of yourself FIRST so you are the best you can be for others.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Get some shut eye how to keep youre

You know the drill!

  1. Have a plan of action– So important! I write down every workout I do. This makes the gym so much more enjoyable. You don’t have to stand there for five minutes trying to figure out what you are going to do, you can put all your concentration into what you are doing at that moment and are much more efficient.
  2. Have a list– Compile a list of workouts you can do on the fly- no weights, gym, even shoes necessary! If you don’t have time, or don’t feel like going to the gym, just pick one of the workouts from the list. No excuses!
  3. Sign up for a holiday program with your gym or a fun run- My gym always has activities our members can sign up for outside of the normal exercise class. We host a mini triathlon a couple times a year, along with 4- 6 week boot camps. We also offer intermural sports. Check with your gym to see what they have going on and enlist a friend to join you! This goes for fun runs too!
  4. Take advantage of technology- I use apps all the time to help with my workouts. I have a stop watch I can use if I forget mine at home, and I usually have the workout I am doing in my notes so I don’t have to carry around a piece of paper at the gym. There even apps that will provide you with a workout! The Nike Training Club app is a good one.
  5. Use music as motivation- Pandora is okay, but I say dish out the ten bucks each month for a Spotify account. You can create as many playlists as you want with their live streamed music. For $10.00 a month you can listen to any song you want at any time! For someone who loves music, this is a steal!
  6. Stay caught up on your ZZZ’s- Being well rested will give you the energy you need to push through a workout. Don’t just assume that since you have so much on your plate right now, there is no way you can get enough sleep. You can, and you shouldn’t be making excuses not to. Wake up early. It’s really that simple. You will get more done by waking up early, rather than staying up late.
  7. 8.       Keep it simple, sweetie- Short and simple that is. Don’t just throw in the towel if you can’t fit in an hour long workout that day. Do 5 or 10 minute workouts whenever you can fit them in. Try doing a squat jump tabata- that just takes four minutes, and I promise you will be out of breath when you finish.

That’s it. There’s my list. All wrapped up in a pretty bow ready for you to use!

Take anywhere, full body workout.

Happy Monday!

Did everyone take the weekend to prepare for the holidays? I insist on getting a real tree, so we wait until the second weekend in December to pick one out because I don’t want a dead fire hazard by Christmas day.

iron bowl

This weekend was pretty epic as far as college football and rivalries go. It was the craziest Iron bowl, maybe football game, I have ever seen.

blog 12.2 7

Joe had to hide because mommy was getting too rowdy.. 😉

Until next year, Tigers..

All my tears had dried by Sunday and we had a nice afternoon shopping and eating.


Two straws are always better than one.

Joseph also met his bestie at Alabama Outdoors..

blog 12.2

You guys are in luck this week because I have some pretty awesome workouts in store. I’ve been brainstorming for my boot camp classes and I needed some quick workouts I could do with no equipment since I have been out of town, so I have had to get creative.

The one I am sharing today I did Thanksgiving morning. I wanted something longer than 20 minutes, but less than 45. It needed to be fairly intense, but nothing that had me down for the count all day. This one did the trick!

sexy Santa full body workout

*The first round you will do for 60 seconds, second round 45 seconds, and third round 30 seconds.

*Rest 10- 15 seconds after each exercise.

*Rest 30- 60 seconds after each circuit.

CIRCUIT ONE (lower body)

Squat jumps

Squat pulses

Jumping jacks


Plyo curtsy lunge

CIRCUIT TWO (upper body)

Pushups (on knee)

high knees

Tricep plank

Lower body jacks


CORE WORK- Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Do 2-3 rounds

Russian twists

Side plank kicks

Plank scissors

Side plank kicks

Have a great Monday, everyone. 🙂