Dumb blonde mug shot.

Happy Friday!

So, before I get into some Friday favorites, I have to share an embarrassing, but funny story with you guys.

Okay, it’s been a crazy week, and Tuesday I was rushing out the door to get Joseph to school, I had to run some errands after, then I was going to get my hair done. I grabbed my dry shampoo and some makeup and was good to go.  I was spraying the dry shampoo in my hair at a stop light and I noticed that it made my hair a weird texture and greasy. I just assumed I put too much in and went along with my day.

Yesterday I went to use the dry shampoo that was still in my car and realized it was self- tanner!! OMG, right?! I. Am. An. Idiot. What makes it so bad is I sprayed that crap in my hair then went and got it highlighted!

Dumb blonde mug shot..

dumb blonde mug

My hair dresser said it could have affected the color, but if I don’t see a difference then I should be good. What do you guys think? Orange? Blonde? Dumb?

If this is what I am like with one child, there is no way I would be able to survive with two..

So that was the funnies, now for my favorites!

I’m linking up with Heather from Housewife Glamour for her fun Friday Favorites partay!


Dunkin Donuts Mocha Peppermint Coffee

dunkin do

If you try one seasonal coffee this year, let it be this. It’s delicious!

Christmas decor inspiration

dec collage

I narrowed down my pinterest finds to just a few decorations I think will be feasible for me to re- create. We shall see..



I have been loving longer cardio sessions lately. I haven’t done them in a long time, but with boot camp twice a week, I’m working my whole body at a very intense level, so I need something more relaxed the day in between. 45 minutes steady- state cardio workouts have been perfect.

Cousin love. 

cousin love

My heart melted when I saw this picture because it was so adorable! They said Joseph was hugging all night.

J. Law

j law


I don’t know why, but this seriously cracked me up.

Have a great Friday, and remember, don’t worry about the bitches.

26 thoughts on “Dumb blonde mug shot.

  1. HAHHA ahhhh no worries–we all have blonde moments 😉 I think your hair looks fine though..no orange so that’s good! I am alsoooo loving mocha peppermint coffee and 45 min cardio sessions have been my jam lately. I like them because they can be as intense or mellow as you want. Happy Friday, lady!

  2. The boys seriously look like brothers!
    I have done numerous dumb blonde moments (I’m not blonde for the record…) but yours made my crack up! Hopefully it doesn’t affect the color and you are good to go! 🙂

  3. Hahaha, this made me laugh (with you, not at you!) 😉 only because I’m surprised I haven’t done the same thing…yet. It’s an honest mistake, just like rushing out of the house with two different pairs of socks or one silver earring and one gold one. Even if your hair does turn orange, remember- don’t worry about the bitches. 😉

  4. Oh that totally sounds like something I would do! Ha. Great story 😉 Glad it turned out just fine… and you just reminded me how much I have been missing that Dunkin’ Peppermint coffee. On the way to the store now… Have a great weekend!

  5. hahaha funny story! i think everyone has their blond moments sometimes;p yes between all the tough workouts a long cardio can be very relaxing:) i also like to do Yoga as well! great blog btw ❤

    xx lotte

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